A Walk To The Shops And Back

Today was a beautiful day. Scotland has a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to weather, and to be fair, we do have some fairly heavy rain, gusty winds, horizontal hale and dense fog to contend with, in fact, often on the same day! However, today was not one of those days. Today the sun was unobscured by mist or cloud, and the sky was a clear cerulean. Our breath became visible as it left our bodies, and the tips of our noses turned red with the cold, but it was a wonderful day to be alive. As you might have guessed, I took some photos, as I just had to share this day with as many as I could.

Dumyat in Early Winter

Bare Branches

Bath Time

Wires Crossed

Winter Berries

Oak Leaves

Winter Sun


Sunlit Oak

Sky Helix

Does the airplane stream in this last picture look like a single helix to you, or is it just me?

November 15, 2007. Environment, Photography.


  1. pussreboots replied:

    Your photographs are gorgeous!

  2. Rowena replied:

    very very nice pics. this is my first visit, got here thru wifely steps. you have a real nice site. will be coming back for sure.

  3. nicholas replied:

    Those are gorgeous. but then, I have come to expect that from your photos. you may want to consider putting up some sort of copyright notice on your blog, either a Creative Commons License or All Rights Reserved, however you want to do it, before people start pinching your photos.

  4. Amy Palko replied:

    Sorry it’s taken me a while to respond to our comments! I’ve been desperately striving to meet work deadlines. I’ve finally put the books to one side for a break, and so I thought I’d take the opportunity to say thank you to all of you for your lovely comments on my photographs and my blog. I would also like to take the opportunity to say welcome to Rowena. I hope you visit again soon!
    Also, about copyright, I honestly haven’t considered my photos worthy of protection in that way, Nicholas. Maybe I should, though. I’ll check it out…
    Once again, thank you all for your support and encouragement. I truly is very appreciated 🙂

  5. nouveaufauves replied:

    Lush and lovely. I can almost smell the plant life and the autumn air.

  6. Rain « Lives Less Ordinary replied:

    […] Less Ordinary To create, to experiment, to inspire « A Walk To The Shops And Back Rain November 19, […]

  7. amypalko replied:

    It was lush and lovely, Nouveaufauves, and if we don’t get another day like it this year, then at least I have the photos to evoke the memory.

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