
So, this is not the only blog that I post to; I also write posts for Textual Tangents and the International Journal of the Book. My blog at Textual Tangents began as a blog where I would post about issues that would crop up as a university tutor, phd student, home educator and bibliophile. Ultimately, though I have found it to be too restrictive. I felt that I could no longer write about whatever I felt like. My posts were all channeled through this narrow confine… and yet, it was nobody’s fault but my own! So, I have decided that I’m beginning anew; I am keeping up Textual Tangents as a professional blog, so if you are interested in conferences attended, articles published, lessons planned etc. you’ll find it there. Lives Less Ordinary, however, is a blog of a more personal sort. I am a person driven by ideas and novelty. I like to be inspired. I like to be creative. I like to be experimental. This blog is about that. Enjoy!

August 22, 2007. Introduction. 5 comments.