Auld Lang Syne

Coal Fire

Well, it’s the end of 2007 and 2008 is just waiting in the wings. The time has come to clasp hands with those around you and sing Auld Lang Syne whilst reveling in the joy of the collective community you’ve found yourself in at this auspicious time.


Words adapated from a traditional song
by Rabbie Burns (1759-96)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp,
And surely I’ll be mine,
And we’ll tak a cup o kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

We twa hae run about the braes,
And pou’d the gowans fine,
But we’ve wander’d monie a weary fit,
Sin auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl’d in the burn
Frae morning sun till dine,
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin auld lang syne.

And there’s a hand my trusty fiere,
And gie’s a hand o thine,
And we’ll tak a right guid-willie waught,
For auld lang syne

auld lang syne – times gone by
be – pay for
braes – hills
braid – broad
burn – stream
dine – dinner time
fiere – friend
fit – foot
gowans – daisies
guid-willie waught – goodwill drink
monie – many
morning sun – noon
paidl’t – paddled
pint-stowp – pint tankard
pou’d – pulled
twa – two

Lyrics and glossary from

Happy Hogmanay!

December 31, 2007. Inspiration. 8 comments.

Which Path To Choose?

We returned to Alva Glen today, this time giving ourselves plenty time for a full explore. We took pastries for a picnic, and, with camera in tow, spent most of the day trekking all the way to the end of the path. I took over 200 photos during our walk! Needless to say I won’t be subjecting you to all 200, but as I was looking through them, I noticed a really interesting theme which I thought I would share, as it seems particularly prevalent at the closing of the year. Perhaps it’s partly because my mind has been turning to which path to follow in 2008, because when I examined my photos I noticed that I had photographed different kinds of paths.

A Straight Path
A Straight Path

A Tricky Path
A Tricky Path

A Meandering Path
A Meandering Path

An Upward Path
An Upward Path

A Lightening Path
A Lightening Path

A Wayward Path
A Wayward Path

A Fractured Path
A Fractured Path

A Partnered Path
A Partnered Path

A Finite Path
A Finite Path

A Perilous Path
A Perilous Path

Whichever path you find yourself on in 2008, I hope you negotiate it as happily as this little soul did today!

A Happy Traveller

December 30, 2007. Environment, Inspiration, Photography. 26 comments.

True Life Karma

I am a big believer in ‘what-goes-around-comes-around’ (check out Shelly’s fabulous post Karma or Cartma for a wonderful example of this in action!).  So, when I stumbled upon the site True Life Karma I couldn’t resist taking the Karma Test. Here’s my results:

Amy, Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition!

Zen Intuition

Score: 22 You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don’t use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don’t do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!

So, I’m looking forward to good things in 2008 – it seems I deserve them!

Do you have any personal stories about Karma?

December 29, 2007. Inspiration, Uncategorized. 10 comments.

Star Light, Star Bright

Christmas Star

“Even a small star shines in the darkness”
Finnish Proverb

“The toe of a star-gazer is often stubbed.”
Russian Proverb

“Don’t set sail on someone else’s star.”
African Proverb

All proverbs from ThinkExist.

December 28, 2007. Inspiration. 2 comments.

I Survived The M&S Sale

Queueing at Marks and Spencers

This long snaking line of people is the queue I had to wait in this morning. I stupidly/bravely/blindly (pick your own adverb!) decided to go to Marks and Spencers on the first day of their Xmas sales today, in order to spend some Xmas gift vouchers. I can’t actually remember the last time that I went to the sales directly after Xmas, as I normally wait till everyone’s back at work and then I go trawling for bargains. I did, however, get some great buys including a pair of boots reduced from £80 to £35. It was totally packed, though, with people barging their way past with overloaded trolleys spilling discounted clothing left and right. But what shocked me wasn’t the manic buying or the consumer panic – it was the sheer misery of those engaged in the process. I was standing in the queue for around 25 minutes waiting to work our way towards the cash desk, and I was laughing and joking with my youngest son, discussing what shop he would have when he was a grown-up, and what were the differences between the male and female dummies displaying the clothes (fuller lips and slimmer fingers, according to him), while all around us were people moaning and complaining.
“I wish I’d never come here today.”
“Why aren’t there more people serving?”
“Look at those people in front of us with the fully loaded trolley. They’re going to take forever to get through the till!”
At one point, I actually felt like turning round to them and saying, “It’s the first day of the Xmas sales! What did you expect? The store to yourself? A special cash desk reserved only for you?” It just really struck me how your enjoyment of life is all in the way you approach it. While my little boy and I were giggling and having a good blether, others were engrossed in making themselves as miserable as possible. I imagine if they were to write this blog post they would tell you how busy the shops were, and how awfully slow the servers were, and how obnoxious the other shoppers were. And you know, it was busy, and the service was slow because folk were buying so much, but they were going as fast as they could, and the other shoppers were obnoxious due in part to their single-minded focus on getting the best bargain before anyone else, and in part due to their decision to be as miserable as possible during the process. But that’s not what I took away from the experience. I got some fab bargains, and I had a laugh with my family while squeezing past all the moaning minnies blocking the aisles with their trollies. I know who had the better day!

December 27, 2007. Environment, Inspiration. 12 comments.

Thursday Thirteen – Christmas Wanderings

As I’ve been a bit preoccupied with the recent festivities, I’m afraid I haven’t had a chance to come up with a well-thought out TT. Consequently, I’ve decided to share 13 photos that I took on a Christmas Eve walk that my family and I took around the university loch and Alva Glen. If you like them, you can check out my Flickr set Winter Walks where I have gathered a collection of photos that I’ve taken on recent wanderings around the local area.

Reflection on Water and Ice

Low Sun

Sunlit Ivy

Sinking Sun

Special Winter Light

Field in Sunshine

Sunset From Alva Glen

Trees Against A Blue Sky

Dramatic Wallace Monument

Sunlit Honesty


Contrail and Blue

Branch Silhouette

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

My other TT posts: The Chill Out Zone and Fairy Tale Lessons, Favourite International Movies, My Passions, Dream Chasing, Origami Wishes, Birthday Nostalgia, Blogging Lessons, What I Found in Madrid, Rules To Live By, My Life in Scent, My Family, New Habits and Memorable Moments

December 26, 2007. Environment, meme, Photography. 22 comments.

Peace On Earth And Goodwill To All

Some of you may recall that I and my children have been busy making origami cranes, and that I said last Thursday that I would be revealing the project we were working on Christmas Eve. Well, today is Christmas Eve, so here it is:

Christmas Tree 2007

Crane Decorations

Golden Crane

Although we didn’t quite get to a thousand, the tree is literally festooned with cranes which dance in the slightest draft.

I wish you all a truly wonderful Christmas, filled with fun and joy, laughter and smiles, generosity and grace.

December 24, 2007. Creativity, Inspiration. 14 comments.

Xmas Treat

Today we took the kids out for a special Christmas treat to the Science Centre in Glasgow. Not very Christmassy you might assume, but, in fact, they have the only IMAX theatre in Scotland there and they were showing The Polar Express in 3D. What a great time we had: we played with bubbles, built complicated structures, designed bridges, and discovered all sort of interesting things in their special exhibit called 1001 Inventions, which profiles the scientific advances made by the Muslim world from 0 – 1000 AD. As you might expect I took a few photos!

Silver Texture

Electric Touch


Bubble Wall

Changing Dice

Science Structure

Orange Dome


The IMAX theatre is really such a spectacular building. Here’s a couple of shots of it, and then I’ve also included a clip from The Polar Express, so you can get a flavour of the full experience!

IMAX Curve


I know it’s terribly sentimental, but this film has tears rolling down my cheeks every time I see it. Today was no exception!

December 23, 2007. Inspiration, Photography. 7 comments.

While Waiting For A Bus

The time spent waiting for public transport can so easily feel like a waste of time. However, on Thursday as we were waiting for the bus to take us into town, I decided to go and photograph some of the frosted plant-life, rust and barbed wire that I could see from the bus-stop. I’ll tell you, the time passed so quickly! I was so engrossed in what I was doing, I nearly missed the bus. Not for the first time, either!

Barbed Frost

Frost on Weeds

Webbed Berries

Broken Web

Frosted Rust

December 22, 2007. Environment, Photography. 11 comments.

10 Questions With Me!

I’ve just discovered that Lives Less Ordinary has been featured in the 10 questions slot on BlogsWeLuv.  Why don’t you pop over there to read my answers, leave a comment or rate the article.  Also, while you’re there, I thoroughly recommend that you check out the other 10 question postsDamien recently had his blog featured there, and I discovered Graham’s blog thanks to his 10 questions.   It’s a great resource!  In fact, if you have a blog you should consider having a go at the questions yourself.

Oh, and if you’ve just arrived at Lives Less Ordinary through BlogsWeLuv – Welcome!  Why don’t you have a browse through the posts, check out my photos, maybe leave a comment.  You can also check out my pages to find out a bit more about this blog and about me.  Hope you like what you find!

December 20, 2007. Admin. 6 comments.

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