The Good News and the Bad News

Good News

My post, Scared Silly by the Fairies, was a runner-up in Shelly Tucker’s contest over at This Eclectic LifeDamien Riley did a fabulous job judging the entries, and then posted his own suitably scary story, which is well worth the read!  The overall winner of the contest was Robin, from Around the Island, with her post Treed, or rather staircased, and the other runner-up was  Cindee from CiNdEe’s GaRdEn with How I Scared My Daughter Silly.  Incidentally, you can read Damien’s interviews with both of them here and here.  I’ll be contributing my own interview just as soon as I get my act together!

The full list of entries for the contest is as follows:

Why not have a browse, be scared silly, and discover some great new blogs!

Bad News

The bad news is that my post, Only Connect: The Essence of Authority, did not win me the SOBCon/ChrisG prizes.  That honour went to the well-deserved post, Why you should win this contest – not me, by music industry blogger, Andrew Dubber.  I’m sure that everyone who attends SOBCon in Chicago this year will have a wonderful time, and I can’t wait to hear all about it!  As for me, I’m taking this as a sign that I need to concentrate on the completion of my phd.  You never know, maybe I’ll make it to SOBCon next year.

So congratulations to Andrew, and commiserations to the other bloggers who contributed some really thoughtful posts on what it means to blog with authority.  Why not go and pay them a visit and join in the conversation:

Also, an honorary mention must go to Roland Hesz at Fractured Bloughts, who didn’t enter the contest but contributed his thoughts on authority in his post Basis Of Authority: Be Authentic.  And also to Lorelle Van Fossen over at Blog Herald who posted  What Gives You The Right To Tell Me.

As with the other contest entries, do go and check the posts out and give your thoughts on what authority blogging means to you.

OK, now here’s your chance to share: What good news/bad news have you received recently? How will you celebrate the good news?  And how will you turn the bad news into something positive and good?

April 1, 2008. Admin.


  1. Liz Strauss replied:

    I so wish you were going to be in Chicago with us. Yeah, me too.

    I’m rooting for your PhD and your blogging to get you here next year, in the meantime. I might see you over there. 🙂

  2. Easton Ellsworth replied:

    Amen to Liz. Amy, best on finishing that monster of a degree. Maybe we’ll meet at SOBCon09? 🙂

  3. Karen Swim replied:

    Amy, I was rooting for you and Joanna to tie and the judges to send you both! We will just all have to make our way to Scotland to visit. You may not have won the prize but you took another huge step forward in blogging and blessed us all with your keen insight. I’m sorry you lost but awfully glad you entered. 🙂


  4. Damien Riley replied:

    I can’t wait for you to “get your act together” so I can interview you on my blog 😉

    Meditate or something LOL

  5. Joanna Young replied:

    Amy, what a generous response, and how like you to think about the good news rather than dwelling on the negative.

    I’m sorry you didn’t win because we would have had so much fun together… but there’s always next year.


  6. amypalko replied:

    As I said in the post, Liz, I’m taking this as a sign that I need to buckle down to the phd. Next year, there’ll be no stopping me!

    Thanks, Easton, it’s coming together, but you’re right, it is a monster degree! 80,000 word limit and 4 years of research.

    Yes, you absolutely must come to Scotland! In fact, maybe I should organise a Scottish bloggers conference, and that way you can all come to me 😉

    My answers are winging their way to you as I type, Damien 😉

    I think that’s the only way to be, isn’t it, Joanna? When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and all that! And yes, you’re right – there is always next year, and I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back!

  7. This Eclectic Life replied:

    I didn’t read the winning post, but if it was better than yours, that person deserves the win. I thought you surely would. I’m sorry, but I’m glad you are mixing up some lemonade!

  8. Penelope Anne replied:

    There has been no good news only bad and I am overwhelmed right now…I’d love to celebrate some good news.

  9. Easton Ellsworth replied:

    80,000 words. Wow.

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