Only The Good – Cats


OK, so I know that some of you will find this an easy one. For me, however, it is a slightly different story. I am mildly phobic of cats. I don’t particularly like them and currently I am very cross at the cat across the road, as it has ripped up some of my lovely bean plants and pooed in my veggie patch. To be fair to these two in the photo, they had nothing to do with this vegicide. They are the new kittens which now live next door to my grandparents. When I took this photo, I had gone out into my Grandad’s garden and crouched down to take a photo of a flower. As I was intent on focusing on a newly bloomed primula, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. When I looked round I had these two pairs of green eyes staring back at me. I just about jumped a foot off the ground! So, I snapped the photo, and I must say that I think it worked out rather well. Anyway, after my upset at yesterday’s ‘incident’ with the bean plants, I wanted to set you the task of helping me find the good in this photo and in cats in general. Go on, convert me!

The Only The Good project is to get people to look at the world in a different way, to acknowledge–if only for the brief time they do this exercise–that there is good in everything and everyone…to briefly change shadow to light.”

If you would like to take part, you can either leave a comment on this post which focuses on ‘only the good’ that you can see in the photo. If you have a blog and would like to participate you can

“Post an original photograph that may at first seem rather ordinary–a photo in which the good isn’t immediately obvious–and invite people to comment. A brief explanation of the photo’s subject, where it was taken, etc. may be provided. I urge you to use only original photographs so that copyright infringement is not an issue.”

Please visit the other participants! Tumbled Words, Soliloquy, Inside Mo’s Mind, This Eclectic Life, Life in Westcliffe, Miscellaneous Matters.

November 28, 2007. Environment.

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