Graham’s Photo Challenge – One

I was over visiting Graham’s blog the other day there, and he has decided to give himself a regular photographic challenge. This month’s is on the theme ‘One’ and he invites others to take it up. Never one to resist a challenge, I’ve decided that I would give you a couple of photos of the same subject taken towards the end of 2007. The subject is the Wallace Monument and I think it fits with the theme quite nicely, as it actually looks like an enormous number 1 sitting up high on the hill overlooking my university. (It also looks extremely phallic, but that’s not the theme of the challenge!) For me it is a strong symbol of home, and I can’t actually remember a time when it didn’t form a part of my ken. Built in the 19th century by the architect John Thomas Rochead, it is a great example of Victorian Gothic architecture which commemorates the 13th century Scottish hero William Wallace. No images for William Wallace exist, but experts agree that he probably bore no resemblance to Mel Gibson. Anyway, if you want to know more about him you can always check out Wikipedia.

On with the photo challenge!

Wallace Monument in Autumn

Wallace Monument From Dumyat

Hazy Wallace Monument

Dramatic Wallace Monument

Now, I know it’s probably cheating to give you photos that I had already taken, but I just couldn’t resist. Forgive me?

January 10, 2008. Environment, Photography.


  1. Graham replied:

    A wonderful set of photographs, which capture the theme of “One” perfectly. I love the Autumnal colours of the first two photographs and the haunting feeling of the third and fourth. Photograph three has a real feeling of depth.

    I have fond memories of visiting Wallace’s Monument a few years ago. I can definitely recollect the walk up the hill followed my the climb up the steps….lol! I am so glad you participate in the challenge with these fabulous photos.

    When I post my photograph for this challenge, I’ll definitely be including links to all those that participated.

  2. This Eclectic Life replied:

    I absolutely love the shots, and don’t care if you cheated by using ones you had already taken! But, um…I don’t know if you want me to say this, so you can delete me if you want. That doesn’t look so “phallic” to me…where have you been looking?

  3. Penelope Anne replied:

    As usual beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Nezha replied:

    Hey Amy,
    Lol, the pictures are beautiful…and they do capture the spirit of autumn. Huh, phallic? Well, maybe a little bit but then towers usually have that look about them:)

  5. amypalko replied:

    Oh, I’m so pleased you liked them, Graham. I have to make a confession though – despite having been born in Stirling and having lived here for many years, I have never actually been inside the monument. I’ll need to add it to my list of things I must do in 2008!

    Ok, Shelly, to qualify the phalic qualities of the monument, perhaps you would need to see it from the angle that I see it every day on my way into town. It’s position on the hill along with the line of trees, gives a very clear image of a man lying on his back. I’m going to leave it there, I think… I probably won’t be posting that photo!

    I’m about to post some more photos shortly, Penelope. I hope you like them as much as you like these. I think you might 🙂

    Thank you, Nezha. Glad you liked them 🙂
    For the explanation of my comparison, see my response to Shelly. It could be all in my head, although I’m not sure I like what that says about me!

  6. The Wallace Monument « Lives Less Ordinary replied:

    […] Wallace Monument Posted by amypalko under Environment, Photography   I’ve posted quite a few photos of the Wallace Monument on this blog. It’s one of the major landmarks which signals to me that I’m nearly home. […]

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