Prize Draw – Origami Crane

This time the item entering the prize draw bundles is of a more symbolic nature:

Origami Trio 2

Crane Close Up

Origami Trio 1

If you’ve been a reader of Lives Less Ordinary for a while, you’ll understand this inclusion. If, however, you are relatively new here, let me explain. Back in November last year I blogged about learning how to fold origami cranes, and the Japanese legend pertaining to them. I also posted 13 origami wishes that I wished for all my readers, which I’d like to encourage you to go and see for yourself. They included wishes such as ‘May you be rendered speechless by natural beauty wherever you may find it’ and ‘May you laugh out loud and long over something silly and frivolous’.  With this post I’d like to extend all 13 wishes to my readers past, present and future, and an origami crane will be included in each of the prize draw bundles of Lives Less Ordinary/Scottish goodies.

If you would like to enter the prize draw, let me know your thoughts on this blog, by leaving a comment on the post To My Readers, before midnight (your time) Tuesday 11th March.  I will be drawing 3 names on Wednesday, and each day until then, I’ll be posting new items for the bundle.  Currently, they consist of these origami cranes, highland cattle keyrings, tartan scarves, pewter pins and a poetry book.

Go and enter now! 

PS I have disabled comments so no one leaves an entry here!

March 9, 2008. Admin.